Approval of the patient care line with rare diseases, Brazil’s Portaria 199 and its National Policy. What does that mean? What changes?

Revista de Medicina da UFC

Gerência de Ensino e Pesquisa - Universidade Federal do Ceará/Rua Coronel Nunes de Melo, S/N - Bloco dos ambulatórios (ilhas) - Andar superior - Rodolfo Teófilo
Fortaleza / CE
Telefone: (85) 3366-8590
ISSN: 24476595
Editor Chefe: Renan Magalhães Montenegro Júnior
Início Publicação: 30/11/2014
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Medicina

Approval of the patient care line with rare diseases, Brazil’s Portaria 199 and its National Policy. What does that mean? What changes?

Ano: 2017 | Volume: 57 | Número: 2
Autores: Maria Denise Fernandes Carvalho de Andrade, Ellaine Dóris Fernandes Carvalho
Autor Correspondente: Maria Denise Fernandes Carvalho de Andrade |

Palavras-chave: Rare diseases

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The concept of rare disease (RD), according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is a disease that affects up to 65 people in every 100 thousand individuals, that means 1.3 for each 2 thousand people. In Brazil, it is estimated that 13 million people have rare diseases (RDs), most of them reaching children, more than half of whom are diagnosed late. RDs are usually chronic, progressive, debilitating, unhealing, with decreasing loss of autonomy by the patient, who faces along with his family prejudices and lack of hope in healing and in therapies.