Avaliação da qualidade do serviço de logística: um estudo de caso empírico do setor farmacêutico

Revista de Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - ReA/UFSM

Avenida Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 74C, Sala 4210 - idade Universitária – Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (CCSH) – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) - Camobi
Santa Maria / RS
Site: https://periodicos.ufsm.br/reaufsm
Telefone: (55) 3220-9258
ISSN: 19834659
Editor Chefe: Clandia Maffini Gomes
Início Publicação: 31/03/2008
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Área de Estudo: Administração

Avaliação da qualidade do serviço de logística: um estudo de caso empírico do setor farmacêutico

Ano: 2008 | Volume: 1 | Número: 2
Autores: José Ignácio Villela Júnior, Gustavo Quiroga Souki, Cid Gonçalves Filho
Autor Correspondente: José Ignácio Villela Júnior | jose.ignacio@uol.com.br

Palavras-chave: Logistics, Service Level, Logistics Service Quality, Pharmaceutical Industry

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The opening of markets caused a great change in customer-supplier relationships. Regarding to this new context, it is up to companies to implement strategies that consider this new reality and differentiate them from their competitors. In a view of the fact that it is necessary to attend to customer expectations at a cost which guarantees minimum profitability to a company, customer service management becomes an important variable in guaranteeing a company’s competitive advantage. In this situation, the issue, which is the object of this research, arises at this point: how to evaluate the logistic services quality provided by a pharmaceutical companies from the point of view of its retail customers? This research has been developed through a survey measuring a reliable scale of Logistics Service Quality in a pharmaceutical industry.