O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de inseticida e fungicida no tratamento de sementes de trigo. Os tratamentos foram, T1: testemunha, T2: tiametoxam (1,5 ml/kg de semente), T3: tiametoxam (3 ml/kg de semente), T4: piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico + fipronil (PTF) (2,0 ml/kg de semente) e T5: PTF (4,0 ml/kg de semente). O tratamento com a TPF na dose de 4,0 ml/kg de semente se sobressaiu sobre os demais tratamentos, proporcionando efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento da cultura, já o tiametoxam na dose de 3,5 ml/kg de semente não apresentou diferença entre os tratamentos, e proporcionou um efeito negativo para o desenvolvimento inicial das plantas.
The objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of insecticide and fungicide in the treatment of wheat seeds. The treatments were, T1: control, T2: thiamethoxam (1.5 ml / kg of seed), T3: thiamethoxam (3 ml / kg of seed), T4: pyraclostrobin + methyl thiophanate + fipronil (PTF) (2.0 ml / kg of seed) and T5: PTF (4.0 ml / kg of seed). The treatment with TPF in the dose of 4.0 ml / kg of seed stood out over the other treatments, providing positive effects on the development of the culture, since thiametoxam in the dose of 3.5 ml / kg of seed, showing no difference between treatments, and provided a negative effect on the initial development of the plants.