The history of the quilombos and their communities have been built through various and distinct struggles strategies: the struggle for land and territory, racism, the battle for the respect of the socio-cultural diversity, for the development of public policies that recognize, repair and guarantee the rights of the quilombo communities to health, housing, work and education. But this same path of struggle, resistance and tensions is what points to an education that includes not only the regional diversity in which the quilombo population is distributed in our country, but mainly, the socio historical, political, economic and cultural reality of this population. According to the SECADI / MEC, Brazilian states with the highest number of quilombos are: Maranhão, with 318; Bahia, with 308; Minas Gerais, with 115; Pernambuco, with 93, and Pará, with 83. Regarding the existence of schools, 2015 School Course data indicates that there are in our country, 1,912 schools located in quilombola territories. The municipal has 4 quilombo communities, duly recognized by the Palmares Cultural Foundation, concentrating a population of about 1500 people, who are predominantly dedicated to family farms. In these communities, there are 4 public schools serving 312 students, all of the quilombolas in the Baixinha, Olaria and Massaranduba communities. This article aims to analyze the current situation of Quilombola School Education in the municipality of Irará-Bahia, and the ability of establishing processes of practice constructions and pedagogical concepts that provide the execution of an action directed to the implementation of “the Difference Politics" in education.