As helmintoses em equinos podem causar enterite levando a quadros de diarréia. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar os helmintos predominantes em equinos mantidos em criações extensivas no município de Camaquã, RS. Amostras fecais de 67 equinos foram processadas pelos Métodos de Gordon; Whitlock modificado e Roberts; Sullivan. Das amostras coletadas observou-se que 94,02% (63/67) apresentavam ovos de Strongylida, sendo que 49,25% apresentavam OPG de Strongylida acima de 1001. A coprocultura revelou que 90% das larvas eram de Cyclocyclus e 10% de Gyalocephalus considerados como ciastomíneos. Estes resultados demonstram a necessidade de maior controle parasitário em equinos que tenham contato direto com larvas infectantes dos helmintos em criações extensivas.
Helminthiasis in horses can cause enteritis leading to diarrhea. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify the helminths predominant in horses kept in extensive farms in the municipality of Camaquã, RS. Faecal samples from 67 horses were processed by Gordon Methods; Modified Whitlock and Roberts; Sullivan. From the collected samples it was observed that 94.02% (63/67) had Strongylida eggs, and 49.25% had Strongylide EPG above de 1001. Coproculture revealed that 90% of the larvae were from Cyclocyclus and 10% from Gyalocephalus considered as cystomines. These results demonstrate the need for greater parasitic control in horses that have direct contact with helminth infective larvae in extensive farms.