Ethical dilemmas and production of journalism: perceptions from technologies

Brazilian Journalism Research

Faculdade de Comunicação, Universidade de Brasília(UnB), ICC Norte, Subsolo, Sala ASS 633
Brasília / DF
Telefone: (61) 3307-6541
ISSN: 1981-9854
Editor Chefe: Fábio Henrique Pereira
Início Publicação: 31/05/2005
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Comunicação

Ethical dilemmas and production of journalism: perceptions from technologies

Ano: 2013 | Volume: 9 | Número: 2
Autores: Edgard Patrício
Autor Correspondente: Edgard Patrício |

Palavras-chave: journalism; ethics; technology

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The purpose of this study is to develop a reflection on ethics and practice of Journalism based on the production conditions of his professional exercise. It has been prepared in the basis of empirical material collected through the conduct of 15 interviews throughout the year of 2011 with professional journalists of the labour market of Fortaleza. Specifically for this study, I approach the relation between ethics, practice of Journalism and technologies.