A dimensão global da competição exige que as empresas sejam administradas sob perspectivas
que levem em consideração a integração entre as áreas da organização. Para tal, é necessário observar quais
são as prioridades competitivas que afetam essas áreas. Objetiva-se, através de uma pesquisa documental,
identificar os fatores geradores de competitividade às organizações. Os resultados se consolidaram em 107
fatores. Estes foram classificados em 14 grupos: Produção enxuta, benchmarking, relacionamento com
clientes, tecnologia, integração, responsabilidade ecológica, informação, flexibilidade, custo, qualidade,
inovação, confiabilidade, treinamento e rapidez. Com isso, analisou-se a inter-relação entre eles através de
uma visão de práticas e resultados.
The current context and rapid change a lot of possibilities of decisions organizational environment
becomes more complex. The global dimension of competition requires that companies will be administered
under a new perspective that relations between the different areas of the organization. To this end, it is
necessary to observe which are competitive surrounding priorities on the areas and leading the Organization
to achieve higher levels of competitiveness. This work, through a vast documentary research in books, journals
and Annals, installed a waiver in respect of the main priorities competitive. The consolidated results in 100
(one hundred and thirteen) items generators of competitiveness. These were classified into 14 (fourteen)
groups: Lean Production, Benchmarking, Customer Relations, Technology, Integration, Eco Responsibility,
Information, Flexibility, Cost, Quality, Innovation, Reliability, Training and Speed. Still, examined the interrelation
between them through a vision of practices and outcomes. From this conclusion future objective studies for
the use of these items or factors in the development of an organizational diagnostic tool that takes into
account the complex relations of a production system.