Guerra e Politica in Machiavelli

Revista Tempo Da Ciência

Rua da Faculdade, 645
Toledo / PR
Telefone: (45) 3379 7071
ISSN: 14143089
Editor Chefe: Marco Antonio Arantes
Início Publicação: 31/12/1993
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Sociologia

Guerra e Politica in Machiavelli

Ano: 2013 | Volume: 20 | Número: 40
Autores: Fabio Frosini
Autor Correspondente: Fabio Frosini |

Palavras-chave: Machiavelli, Niccolò; Guerra; Politica; Sovranità; Libertà; Cittadinanza; Conflitto.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This article deals with the relationship between conflict and politics. In ch. 2 it will be shown that conflict is both in the body politic and in its relationship to the outside, and that for Machiavelli war cannot be thought of separately from politics and vice versa. In ch. 3 it will be argued that before 1512, war played a primary role in Machiavelli’s though if compared to politics, and that political power consisted in the State’s capacity to make war. The way in which Machiavelli changed this position radically is the object of ch. 4. In particular, it deals with the decisive role played by the “people”, understood in the most comprehensive meaning of the word, in overturning the relationship between politics and war: war becomes a moment of the political life and the conquest of new territories is meaningful only insofar as the expression of a certain dialectics between the conflicting “parts” within the State. This leads (in ch. 5) to the notion of territorial “border”: it will be shown that, in Machiavelli’s thought, the separation of inner and outer space, of politics and war, is not absolute but relative; the border does not separate but unites territories, does not limit but expands citizenship. At the time when “absolute” borders be-came the foundation of sovereign power in Europe, Machiavelli, through the example of Rome, suggested a kind of “porous” border, and associ-ates it to an idea of “power” as inseparable from freedom.