Young professionals belong to Millennial generation. In spite of their individual
characteristics they share ways of life and values that have been shaped by the Significant
Generational Events (SGE) of their social-historical life. Some American and European
researchers state that their historical anchorage gives them their own way of learning and
working. For instance, when considering a job, they prefer flexible schedules and free time,
team work and new experiences. They are not especially interested in being promoted. They
go job hopping without too many explanations. Some of these characteristics impact
negatively in enterprises because these young employees do not remain faithful to enterprises
but to themselves, so they do not seem involved with corporate objectives. This causes a lack
of commitment that becomes a source of important problems to companies. In 2007 UADE
started an exploratory research in Latin America. Its general objective was to define
Argentinean millennials characteristics in order to set up points of comparison between
Argentinean, American and European studies and to know how these characteristics impact
on their job styles. First results show that a possible answer to lack of commitment is that
these young professionals prefer most Employability stability (EeE) that employs stability.
En la actualidad, los jóvenes profesionales pertenecen a la generación denominada
Millennial. Comparten caracterÃsticas, estilos de vida y valores que han formado a partir de
los Eventos Significativos Generacionales (EsG) que marcaron su vida histórico-social.
Estudios en EE.UU. y Europa sostienen que su anclaje sociohistórico les confiere estilos de
aprendizaje y laborales particulares. Por ejemplo, cuando evalúan un empleo privilegian los
horarios flexibles y el tiempo libre, el trabajo en equipo y las nuevas experiencias. No les
interesan los ascensos paulatinos. Van de un empleo a otro sin dar demasiadas explicaciones y
son, principalmente, fieles a sà mismos. Estas caracterÃsticas conllevan una falta de
fidelización que es fuente de serios problemas para las empresas. A partir de este trabajo
hemos establecido que una explicación posible para la falta de fidelización de estos jóvenes es
que privilegian la estabilidad en la empleabilidad (EeE) por sobre la estabilidad en el empleo.