No começo do século XX, durante os primeiros anos do futebol no Brasil, a mulher era presença
marcante nos estádios, assim como as famÃlias. Como se tratava de um esporte amador adotado pela elite brasileira, as arquibancadas ficavam lotadas de moças elegantes, vestidas segundo a moda europeia, com seus chapéus enfeitados de flores e plumas que davam um colorido peculiar ao local. No decorrer do século, no entanto, a mulher vai, gradualmente, afastando-se do futebol, e o estádio passa a ser visto, cada vez mais, como um ambiente masculino.
At the beginning of the 20th century, during
the first years of soccer in Brazil, women and
entire families were constantly present at soccer
stadiums. Since it was an amateur sport that had
been recently adopted by the Brazilian elite, bleachers
were crowded with elegant young girls, dressed
according to the European fashion, with hats decorated
with flowers and feathers, this way adding
special colors to the place. Throughout the century
however, women gradually pulled away from the
stadiums, which more and more became known as a
strictly male environment.