Para investigar a experiência de mulheres no cenário asiático da Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar o papel das mulheres de conforto no cenário de guerra; e como objetivos específicos de (i) caracterizar o papel dessas mulheres na estratégia de segurança japonesa; (ii) descrever os conceitos de prostituição militarizada, estupro militarizado e mulheres de conforto; e (iii) identificar os fatores responsáveis pela criação das mulheres de conforto. Na primeira seção apresenta-se um aporte teórico feminista sobre o papel das mulheres em cenários de guerra. Na segunda são trabalhados os conceitos de prostituição militarizada e mulheres de conforto. A terceira apresenta o contexto histórico referente ao desenvolvimento dessa prática de guerra. Ao fim, mulheres de conforto se configura como uma prática de guerra adotada pelo Estado japonês que normatiza a conduta das suas forças armadas.
The subject of the investigation is the experience of women in the Asian scenario of World War II (1939-1945). Within this scenario, the research is guided by the following problem-question: How are women instrumentalized in the war scenario? This question refers to the practice of female exploitation, as an exercise in war, by the Japanese State, when it institutes women of comfort – the forced prostitution of women – as a standardized practice linked to conflict. Thus, the investigation aims to analyze the role of women comfort in the war scenario. Therefore, specific objectives are (i) to characterize the role of these women in the Japanese security strategy; (ii) describe the concepts of militarized prostitution, militarized rape and comfort women; and (iii) identify the factors responsible for creating women of comfort. From a qualitative methodological culture, we resort to a research design based on a case study, whose dependent variable is the existence of women of comfort. The first section of the research deals with a theoretical feminist contribution that focuses on the role of women in a war scenario. The second section works with the development of the concepts of militarized prostitution and comfort women. The third section deals with the historical context that allows the development of this practice of war. At the end, there are the final considerations, when it is stated that the practice of war adopted by the Japanese State assumes characteristics that regulate the conduct of its armed forces in conflict by objectifying the female figure.