Introdução: No contexto do ensino-aprendizagem o diálogo entre as áreas do saber e as disciplinas é importante, porque tal integração reflete na formação e na trÃade ensino-serviço-comunidade. Esta base pedagógica consta no ementário da disciplina Saúde da Comunidade II e estágio (SCII), oferecida por Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem. Objetivo: Relatar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina Saúde da Comunidade II, como sendo integradora de ensino,serviço e comunidade visando o desenvolvimento do cuidado à saúde dos indivÃduos, famÃlia e comunidade, segundo relato de experiência de estágio docente vivenciado pela autora. Descrição metodológica: delineou-se um relato de experiência, trabalhando os dados vivenciados pela autora, em prática docente, no cenário de SCII. Delimitou-se a experiência no segundo semestre de 2012. Foram cenários do relato: o espaço acadêmico e o estágio em região administrativa do Distrito Federal. Constitui-se como referencial a base teórico-pedagógica de Paulo Freire. Coletaram-se os dados nos programas das disciplinas estudadas, legislações, encontros teórico-práticos, materiais de comunicação do ambiente virtual e outras fontes. Resultados e discussão: a experiência revelou que a disciplina SCII apresenta visão interdisciplinar, multiprofissional e integradora de ensino-saúde e comunidade. Os partÃcipes mediados pela problematização, contribuÃram na construção do saber teórico-prático utilizando reflexão, debates, discussões, segundo a pedagogia da autonomia. Os métodos de ensino-aprendizagem permitiram desenvolvimento da independência, competências e habilidades previstas no projeto polÃtico. Conclusão: o estágio docente vivenciado, no lócus de SCII, foi experiência singular de aprendizagem, gerando benefÃcios aos atores envolvidos, inclusive para a ressignificação das práticas. Portanto, a disciplina protagonista deste relato, promove a interação entre ensino-serviço-comunidade em prol da saúde, do cuidado e do conforto.
Descritores: ensino superior, aprendizagem, enfermagem em saúde comunitária
Introduction: In the context of the teaching and learning process, the communication between the
fields of study and their subjects is important, once such integration reflects on the formation and
the learning-serving-community triad. This pedagogical basis figures in the syllabi of the subjects
Community Health II and its Training Course, offered by the Nursing Program. Objective:
Reporting the teaching and learning process for the academic subject Community Health II, as
being an inclusive part of learning-serving-community triad, with regards of developing care for the
health of individuals, family and community, according to the reports of the experiences of this
author during the training course. Methodological Description: It was reported the events dealing
with the data experienced by the author over the second term of 2012. The following places were
used in that report. In the academic environment and in the training course which took place in one
of the administrative regions of Distrito Federal. The pedagogical theoretical basis was made on
Paulo Freire. Data were collected from the studied subjects, legislation, theoretical and practical
meetings, communication materials on the virtual environment among other sources. Results and
discussion: this experience revealed that the subject CH-II presents an interdisciplinary,
multiprofessional and inclusive view of learning-serving-community triad. The participants
mediated by the problematization contributed for the construction of theoretical and practical
knowledge using reflections, debates, and discussions according to the Pedagogy of Autonomy.
The teaching and learning methods permitted the development of independence, competencies and
abilities contained in the political project. Conclusion: The training course experienced in the
environment of CH-II was an unique experience, generating benefits to all the people involved in
the process, besides the resignification of their practices. Then, the leading subject of this report
promotes an interaction among learning, serving and community in favor of Health, Care and
Key words: Education Higher, Learning, Community Health Nursing
Introduction: In the context of the teaching and learning process, the communication between the
fields of study and their subjects is important, once such integration reflects on the formation and
the learning-serving-community triad. This pedagogical basis figures in the syllabi of the subjects
Community Health II and its Training Course, offered by the Nursing Program. Objective:
Reporting the teaching and learning process for the academic subject Community Health II, as
being an inclusive part of learning-serving-community triad, with regards of developing care for the
health of individuals, family and community, according to the reports of the experiences of this
author during the training course. Methodological Description: It was reported the events dealing
with the data experienced by the author over the second term of 2012. The following places were
used in that report. In the academic environment and in the training course which took place in one
of the administrative regions of Distrito Federal. The pedagogical theoretical basis was made on
Paulo Freire. Data were collected from the studied subjects, legislation, theoretical and practical
meetings, communication materials on the virtual environment among other sources. Results and
discussion: this experience revealed that the subject CH-II presents an interdisciplinary,
multiprofessional and inclusive view of learning-serving-community triad. The participants
mediated by the problematization contributed for the construction of theoretical and practical
knowledge using reflections, debates, and discussions according to the Pedagogy of Autonomy.
The teaching and learning methods permitted the development of independence, competencies and
abilities contained in the political project. Conclusion: The training course experienced in the
environment of CH-II was an unique experience, generating benefits to all the people involved in
the process, besides the resignification of their practices. Then, the leading subject of this report
promotes an interaction among learning, serving and community in favor of Health, Care and
Key words: Education Higher, Learning, Community Health Nursing