Simulations of meteorological fields in the Amazon and Northeast Brazilian in the fall in an El Niño year

Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress

Rua Manoel de Medeiros - SN - Dois Irmãos
Recife / PE
Telefone: (81) 9997-4093
ISSN: 2525-815X
Editor Chefe: Rejane Magalhães de Mendonça Pimentel
Início Publicação: 30/09/2016
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Simulations of meteorological fields in the Amazon and Northeast Brazilian in the fall in an El Niño year

Ano: 2017 | Volume: 2 | Número: 4
Autores: A. F. de Lucas, C. M. S. e Silva
Autor Correspondente: A. F. de Lucas |

Palavras-chave: Modelo, espaçamento de grade, resolução.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The warming in the Tropical Pacific Ocean causes changes in the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere, causing climatic anomalies in several regions of the globe. Thus, several sensitivity tests have been used in regional climate models with the aim of improving the representativeness these models. This study aimed to compare two sets of simulations with the same parameterization, one with a grid spacing of 50 km and the other of 25 km, in addition to evaluating the performance of the simulations of different spatial resolutions with large-scale data from the ERA-Interim. It was analyzed the average of the four synoptic timetables of the near-surface temperature, divergence, vorticity, vertical velocity, wind speed and direction, and the average of the total precipitation of 00UTC. It is to compare with the data of the TRMM satellite at the same time, both in Amazon region and in the Brazilian Northeast (NEB), in the fall of a year of intense El Niño. The simulations were carried out with the version 4 of the Regional Model RegCM for May 1998. The parameterization of convective cumulus best represents the phenomena in the Amazon region, and for the Northeast, Brazilian is the of Grell in May. It is always necessary knowledge about the physics model can describe the phenomena of interest before applying improvement methods.