Water Management for Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi Seedlings in Degradable Containers

Floresta e Ambiente

Rodovia BR 465, km 07, Campus da UFRRJ - IF-NIDFLOR - UFRRJ
Seropédica / RJ
Site: http://www.floram.org
Telefone: (21) 2681-4986
ISSN: 2179-8087
Editor Chefe: João Vicente de Figueiredo Latorraca
Início Publicação: 31/12/1993
Periodicidade: Trimestral

Water Management for Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi Seedlings in Degradable Containers

Ano: 2018 | Volume: 25 | Número: 1
Autores: Lucas Bertacini Viégas; Danilo Simões; Kaio Baron de Lima; Magali Ribeiro da Silva
Autor Correspondente: Lucas Bertacini Viégas | lucasbertacini@yahoo.com.br

Palavras-chave: forest nursery; Ellepot™; brazilian pepper tree; irrigation depth; container development

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The research consisted of two experiments (64 and 85-day production cycles), applying three irrigation depths (8, 11 and 14 mm) to determine the most appropriate depth, using Ellepot™ degradable containers for the production of Schinus terebinthifolius seedlings; the possibility of shortening the production cycle; and the influence of water management in nursery on the early development of plants in pots. Results indicated that the most appropriate irrigation depth is 14 mm for both the 64 and 85-day production cycles; that it is possible to produce Schinus terebinthifolius seedlings with a shortened cycle, given that quality indicators were adequate; and that there was an influence of water management used in the nursery on the development of plants in pots for 64-day seedlings.