Com o objetivo de conhecer a relacao entre adiposidade abdominal, niveis de leptina e o diagnostico de SM sao avaliados 83 individuos: 32 com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensao arterial (grupo 1); 31 com hipertensao arterial (grupo 2) e 20, como grupo controle (grupo 3). A cintura abdominal e 101□8 cm; 101□9 cm e 94□12 cm, nos grupos 1,2 e 3, respectivamente (p<0,05). A pressao arterial sistolica e 153□27mmHg; 148□26mmHg e 118□12mmHg e a diastolica 94□18mmHg; 89□12mmHg e 79□11mmHg, nos grupos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente (p< 0,005). Na avaliacao laboratorial temos: colesterol total 200□45 mg/dl, 248□56 mg/dl e 208□57 mg/dl; colesterol LDL: 120□40 mg/dl, 170□47 mg/dl e 132 □45mg/dl (p<0,05) colesterol HDL: 45□8 mg/dl, 49□9 mg/dl, 50□15mg/dl, triglicerides: 158□71mg/dl, 175□77 mg/dl e 126□58mg/dl (NS) e leptina 4,4□3,1 ng/ml; 6,3□3,4 ng/ml e 3,1□1,8 ng/ml (p<0,005), nos grupos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. A gordura abdominal profunda a USG e 6,6□1,5 cm; 5,0□2,0 cm e 4,1□2,5 cm, nos grupos 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente (p<0,05). A gordura abdominal profunda guarda relação com ambas as condições enquanto que os níveis de leptina são mais elevados no grupo de hipertensos e pode estar relacionada à gordura sub-cutânea.
EVALUATION OF PATIENTS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME WITH ENPHASIS IN ABDOMINAL ADIPOSITY AND SERIC LEPTIN LEVELS. To evaluate the relationship between abdominal adiposity, leptin levels and MS diagnosis, 83 individuals, 32 with diabetes mellitus and hypertension (group 1), 31 with hypertension (group 2) and 20 as a control group (group 3) are evaluated. Abdominal waist is 1018 cm; 1019 cm and 94 12 cm, in groups 1,2 and 3, respectively (p<0,05). Systolic blood pressure is 15327mmHg; 14826mmHg and 11812mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is 9418mmHg; 8912mmHg e 7911mmHg, in groups 1,2 and 3, respectively (p< 0,005). Total cholesterol is 20045 mg/dL, 24856 mg/dL and 20857 mg/dL; HDL cholesterol: 12040 mg/dL, 17047 mg/dL and 13245mg/dL (p<0,05); HDL cholesterol: 458 mg/dL, 499 mg/dL, 5015mg/dL, triglycerides: 15871mg/dL, 17577 mg/dL e 12658mg/dL (NS) and leptin 4,43,1; 6,33,4 e 3,11,8 (p<0,005), in groups 1,2 and 3, respectively. Intra-abdominal fat measured by ultrasonography is 6,61,5 cm; 5,02,0 cm and 4,12,5 cm, in groups 1,2 and 3, respectively (p<0,05). Intra-abdominal fat correlated with both diseases, namely diabetes and hypertension and, leptin levels are higher in individuals with hypertension as a group and seems to be related to subcutaneous fat.