The objective of this work was to understand the relationship between decomposition of leaf litter and climatic elements and determine the mineralization of nutrients in the decomposition process in a fragment of Semideciduous Submontane Forest, located in southern state of of Espírito Santo. Overall, 84 litterbags were deposited in 12 permanent plots, collecting one litterbag per plot for 30, 60, 90, 150, 210, 270 and 360 days after the beginning of the experiment. The leaf material remaining in the litterbag was oven-dried and weighed, with later analysis of nutritional compounds. The leaf litter decomposition rate was 1.42, 75.95% of decomposing litter at the end of the evaluation period. Mineralization occurred in the following order: K, Corg., Mg, S, P, N and Ca. There was a positive correlation of average and minimum air temperature, as well as accumulated precipitation and leaf litter decomposition .