Resumo Português:
O artigo analisa as possibilidades e limites do regime de colaboração a partir do Fundeb e do PAR considerando municípios do PA, MG e RN. Com base em dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Educação (SIOPE) e do MEC/FNDE, analisam-se os montantes financeiros recebidos decorrentes do PAR e do Fundeb visando dimensionar a participação dos entes federativos na composição desses recursos. Em todos os municípios, os recursos do PAR oriundos da União foram ínfimos em relação ao aplicado em educação. Com o Fundeb, 86,6% dos municípios recebem aportes significativos de outros entes federados, mas apenas 33,3% recebem complementação da União, um regime de colaboração, portanto parcial.
Resumo Inglês:
The article analyzes the possibilities and limits of the collaboration regime from Fundeb and PAR considering municipalities in PA, MG and RN. Based on data from the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (Siope) and MEC / FNDE, the financial amounts received from PAR and Fundeb are analyzed in order to measure the participation of federative entities in the composition of these resources. In all municipalities, PAR resources from the Union were minimal compared to those invested in education. With Fundeb, 86.6% of the municipalities receive significant contributions from other federated entities, but only 33.3% receive complementation from the Union, a collaboration regime, therefore partial.
Resumo Francês:
The article analyzes the possibilities and limits of the cooperation regime regarding Fundeb and PAR considering cities in Pará (PA), Minas Gerais (MG) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Based on data from the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (SIOPE) and MEC/FNDE, we analyze the financial amounts received from PAR and Fundeb in order to measure the participation of federative entities in the composition of these resources. In all municipalities, PAR resources from the Federal Government were undermost in relation to that invested in education. With Fundeb 86.6% of the municipalities receive significant contributions from other federated entities, but only 33.3% receive complementation given by the Federal Government, a collaboration regime therefore partial.